Michael Headley

Welcome to the Triad area of NC Cities of Winston Salem, High Point, Greensboro, and Burlington, NC. If you are looking for a traditional broker, REO Broker, or a short sale specialist in providing service promptly with training, credentials, and experience with over 2200  properties sold within my 15-year career as a top broker in my area, look no further. Some of our clients include Sage Acquisitions, Vendor Resource Management, US RES, Fannie Mae, Carrington Mortgage Service, Shellpoint Mortgage Olympus Asset Management, Ofori & Associates (HUD), Citi Financial, Green River Capital, Single Source Property Solutions, Brighton Real Estate Services, Lres, 24 Asset Management, and Executive Asset Management. K Minimier Realty

If you need BPO Occupancy checks & assets sold promptly (hassle-free), please don’t hesitate to call! I am an REO Broker that can handle extreme volume accurately, effectively, and efficiently.

I’ve gained extensive training & knowledge through the REO Default School and obtained the valuable (RDCpro) VRM Certifications. I have attended REO Brokers’ events to network with other professionals and vendors in the industry, thus enhancing my knowledge of the trade and my sphere of influence.

My services include listing assets, CFK ‘s, BPO’s, property preservation, re-keys, winterization, and rehabilitation. From a marketing perspective, we have high views on our social media show ( The Headley Group Real Estate Show ), where we discuss various topics within the industry. Hence, viewers have the opportunity to gain a tremendous amount of information and knowledge to help with their real estate endeavors. Our social media platforms are The HeadleyGroup Real Estate Show Podcast on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, and Linked In, which sets apart where your property will receive high exposure. My access to two separate MLS; Carolina MLS as well as Triad MLS. My objective is to liquidate REO assets in the most profitable manner possible. I look forward to working with you! Please visit my site