Ron E. Box Bio

Ron E. Box Profile Photo for the Elite Real Estate Network Agent Roster

Ron E. Box

Ron Box SRA SCRP has been an active residential appraiser since 1976. If his math is anywhere near correct, this year marked his 44th year in the profession. In this gathering, he has only surpassed by the number of years Mark Bond has been in the profession.

He has maintained an office in Dallas, Texas, for the majority of this time. Ron is involved in both mortgage and relocation appraisal as well as litigation and estate work. He had trained numerous appraisers and personally managed the office until he unwittingly and accidentally changed management responsibilities when his wife came to work.

At one time, there were eight family members in the form of brothers, cousins, or offspring involved in appraising across Texas. Obviously, a genetic malfunction that keeps the family from an honorable profession.

Ron is a past president of RAC (Relocation Appraisers and Consultants). He has served on the board of directors and committees for the Appraisal Institute, RAC, Mortgage Bankers, and numerous other groups. Ron also served 15 years on the School Board for the Gunter ISD.

Ron was raised in South Texas. His high school claims to fame were attending one of the few high schools that lost its accreditations and being on a football team that had a perfect record for three years until they finally won a game.

Ron is a graduate of Texas Tech University with a degree in Agricultural Economics. He has been married forever, has four daughters, four granddaughters, and lives on a small ranch outside of Dallas.